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Post-Root Canal Instructions

You have just undergone endodontic therapy, otherwise known as a root canal. In about 95% of the cases performed, some discomfort will be experienced following this procedure for the first 7-10 days. Starting in the 2nd week, the area should feel better and usually by the third week, the area will function normally. If you do encounter pain, the problem usually arises from a secondary infection located in the bone surrounding the tooth.

On a national average, about 3% of all root canals fail within a 3 year period. These failures are usually associated with fractured roots, continuation of abscess formation or formation of a cyst at the end of the roots. The latter two can be treated by a procedure called an apicoectomy. This procedure requires a surgical opening into the bone and removal of the abscess or cyst. Since about 97% of all root canals are not cystic, we prefer to do a conventional treatment, since the success rate is high and if troubles ever arise, the apicoectomy can still be performed. Unless you were otherwise informed, a conventional root canal was performed on your tooth.

Please follow the recommendations below regarding your root canal:

  • Take a recommended dose of either Aspirin, Tylenol, or Ibuprofen shortly after leaving the office. This will control moderate pain and give your tooth time to relax without pain stimuli and will aid in healing.
  • If a prescription was written or called in, have it filled and take as labeled on bottle.
  • Do not bite hard foods on tooth. A crown will be recommended in the majority of cases, but a filling may be used in the interim process while waiting for healing of the tooth. Be gentle with the area until the tooth has been permanently restored.
  • If you are experiencing pain that the over-the-counter medications aren't controlling, please call the office. We do not expect you to have much discomfort with this procedure, but if you do, please do not hesitate to call. We have done the best thing for your oral health by performing an endodontic procedure, and we want to provide you with the best of our services.

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Let our team take care of you.

 Call (920) 849-9341

Baus Family Dentistry

15 East Main St,
Chilton, WI 53014-1427


(920) 849-9341

Schedule questions, text:

(920) 476-1277


M–W: 8 a.m – 5 p.m.
Th: 10:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.
F: 8 a.m – 4 p.m.