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Veneer Care Instructions

We have placed porcelain veneers on your teeth. These restorations were placed with the finest materials and techniques available today. You should be aware of the following information about the restorations.


As with natural teeth, avoid chewing excessively hard foods on the veneered teeth (hard candy, ice, raw carrots, bones, etc.) because the porcelain can be broken from the teeth under extreme forces.

Continuing Care

Visit us for examinations and check-ups at regular six-month examination periods. Often problems that are developing with the veneers can be found at an early stage and repaired easily, while waiting for a longer time may require redoing entire restorations. We will contact you when it is time for your continuing care appointment.

Preventive Procedures

To provide optimum longevity for your restorations and prevent future dental decay and supporting tissue breakdown, please use the following preventive procedures:

  • Brush with a fluoride containing toothpaste and floss after eating and before bedtime.
  • Swish vigorously for at least 30 seconds daily with a fluoride containing rinse. The best time is immediately before bedtime.
  • Highly consider wearing a night guard to protect your teeth while you are sleeping in case of grinding or clenching.

The Future

We expect that you will receive many years of service from these veneers. However, after watching veneers for many years, we have seen the following situations occur occasionally. They are unavoidable and may require restoration replacement.

  • Extreme force or trauma can break porcelain veneers just as the same force can break natural teeth. Use care in sports or other potentially traumatic situations. Do not bite extremely hard objects with one tooth. Breakage usually requires remaking the restorations, but occasionally they can be repaired.
  • After a few years, some veneers may show slight stains on some locations around the edges. Please tell us if this occurs. Repairs can usually be accomplished. The gums (gingival) may recede from the veneers, displaying discolored tooth structure underneath. This usually takes place over several years and requires veneer replacement.

We have done our best to provide you with the finest quality oral restorations available today. However, as with many restorations, replacement of these restorations may be required in several years.

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Baus Family Dentistry

15 East Main St,
Chilton, WI 53014-1427


(920) 849-9341

Schedule questions, text:

(920) 476-1277


M–W: 8 a.m – 5 p.m.
Th: 10:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.
F: 8 a.m – 4 p.m.