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Dental Implants

The standard of care for tooth replacement.

Dental implants are now recognized as the standard of care for tooth replacement, offering better health, an enhanced appearance, greater self confidence and an improved quality of life. Implants can replace one tooth, all teeth, or any variation in between. Always consult Baus Family Dental first about your best treatment options.

Are you a candidate?

Most patients can be treated with dental implants. We will evaluate you carefully with an exam, radiographs, and then make specific recommendations to you about your best treatment to replace the missing teeth. This depends on the type of bone you have and where vital structures like nerves and sinuses are in your radiographs.

Why choose dental implants?

Dental implants can improve your overall health by improving your ability to chew, enjoy the foods you love and being able to chew crunchy healthy foods. Implants also help your confidence and self-esteem, knowing you look and feel like your natural self. Caring for non-implant tooth replacements, such as conventional dentures, can be much less convenient as it requires removal of the denture, where as implants are non-removable. With dental implants you can smile, talk and eat with more comfort and increase your self-confidence.

Here is a typical implant visit calendar:

  • If the non-restorable tooth needs to be removed, we will do so and then wait 2-6 months so that the bone graft placed in the extraction site can become very dense. If a temporary tooth is needed for aesthetics, we will provide one. Exam, radiographs and impressions will be taken to determine bone, tissue, and spacing available for implant.
  • When your bone and tissue are ready, the implant can then be placed while numb; tissue will be placed properly around the implant, where you'll have a silver covering above the tissue with stitches.
  • One week later, we check how you are healing and remove any stitches remaining.
  • At three, six, and eight weeks we will see you for a quick re-evaluation to make sure everything is stable.
  • At six weeks, if everything is perfect, we will take an impression of the area.
  • At eight weeks, if everything went perfectly, we will be able to cement on your new crown and abutment (the parts that connect to the implant and allow you to chew and look your best!)
  • What's great is NO SECOND SURGERY IS REQUIRED like with other conventional implant systems. At Baus Family Dental we choose to use the Biomet 3iTM Encode implant system because it makes your dental care so much easier.

This system is state-of-the-art and has a special imprinted design on top of each implant's cover. So without doing a second surgery to uncover the implant, all that is needed is an impression that a special computer system reads and knows exactly how big, how long, and where your implant is located in your jaw. The computer then makes your abutment and crown that connect to the implant for a perfect fit!

Click here to learn more about Zimmer Biomet implants.

Refer to these care instructions when your treatment is completed. Always remember that good oral hygiene, eating habits, and regular periodontal dental visits will be necessary to aid in the lifetime of your new dental implant!

Get started today.

Meet with our team and learn if you're a candidate for implants.

 Call: (920) 849-9341

Baus Family Dentistry

15 East Main St,
Chilton, WI 53014-1427


(920) 849-9341

Schedule questions, text:

(920) 476-1277


M–W: 8 a.m – 5 p.m.
Th: 10:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.
F: 8 a.m – 4 p.m.